#273 Tee Cap

#273 Tee Cap


Fabrication Data

Specify with or without crimp

ASTM-A653 CS Type B Galvanized Steel G-30 Coating LFQ Chemical Treatment

Two piece construction. A 2″ collar is connected to the top with a beading process

273H: With Handle

273C: Crimped 2″ Rolled Formed Galvanized Steel with 1/4″ Beading Female Connection features 1/8″ Hemmed Edge, Male Connection features Crimped End

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Product SKUs

SKU Description Box Qty.
27310 273 10″ TEE CAP 24
27312 273 12″ TEE CAP 24
27314 273 14″ TEE CAP 24
27316 273 16″ TEE CAP 24
2734 273 4″ TEE CAP 24
2735 273 5″ TEE CAP 24
2736 273 6″ TEE CAP 24
2737 273 7″ TEE CAP 24
2738 273 8″ TEE CAP 24
2739 273 9″ TEE CAP 24

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